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Paintings are oil on canvas, other images are meticulously created digitally using an electronically generated brush. The digital work can take weeks to complete and is entirely freehand.  


Any photographs used are taken by myself or my wife, I then add a little magic with the addition of extra 'painted' in features. 

Each added detail is created pixel by pixel, there are no short cuts, quick fixes or cutting and pasting of images. 


Signed limited edition giclee prints of all my work are available with a signed certificate of authenticity.  Commisions are also taken.

Burning Bush

Burning Bush

Digital Art using original photographs taken at Helman Tor and during the Solar Eclipse, Bodmin Moor. All effects are hand painted pixel by pixel!



There are so many stories to weave into this image. Naming it was difficult, hence it is simply called 'Nigel' so that you can enjoy your own story with it. The work took several weeks to complete, it is digital art, but it is not done using 'photoshop'!

Celestial Dragon King

Celestial Dragon King

Digital Art Created for a children's book written by my wife.

The Path

The Path

Digital Art

Golitha Dream

Golitha Dream

Digital Art

The Water Dragon

The Water Dragon

Sky Dragon

Sky Dragon

Fire Dragon

Fire Dragon



Digital Art

The Elementals

The Elementals

Illustration for a children's book. Look closely - there are faces hidden and tiny elements of light and secret 'beings'.

The Rains End

The Rains End

El Kerreck Dragon

El Kerreck Dragon

Guiding Light

Guiding Light

Digital Art

The Greeting

The Greeting

Digital Art

The Greeting

The Greeting

Digital Art

Secret of Trethevy

Secret of Trethevy

The Way Home

The Way Home

Based on an ancient path to Bodmin

Dreaming Trees - Original

Dreaming Trees - Original

Digital Art



Original oil on canvas. Inspired by his fascination with space, Kevin created this piece with a view to giving it a 'consciousness'. Most people are quick to spot the face, how you interpret the face is down to you.

Sacred Meditation 1

Sacred Meditation 1

Digital art on a photograph taken at Avebury, Wiltshire.

Catching an Orb

Catching an Orb

Hand painted using electronic art. The beauty of producing work like this is that it allows the original piece to be altered to suit specific colour themes.

Midnight Tree 1

Midnight Tree 1

Digital Art

The Way Home

The Way Home

Into the Light

Into the Light

The artwork is created from an original sketch using an electronic fine airbrush technique. Many hours of work went into creating this individual piece.

Enchanted  Wood 1

Enchanted Wood 1

Digital Art

Labyrinth Source

Labyrinth Source

Digitally hand painted - this started with a photograph of an ancient rock carving at Rocky Valley in Cornwall. Many days worth of work were spent adding every detail.



Oil on canvas. Avebury Stone Circle, Wiltshire. A favourite place where Kevin and Valerie met on a freezing Winter Solstice.

Secret of Trethevy - 3

Secret of Trethevy - 3

Guiding Light

Guiding Light

The Greeting

The Greeting

Digital Art

The Greeting

The Greeting

Digital Art

The Greeting

The Greeting

Digital Art

Dreaming Trees - Spring Light

Dreaming Trees - Spring Light

Dreaming Trees - Autumn Gold

Dreaming Trees - Autumn Gold

Dreaming Trees - Fantasy

Dreaming Trees - Fantasy

Dreaming Trees - vivid green

Dreaming Trees - vivid green

Dreaming Trees - Midnight Moonshine

Dreaming Trees - Midnight Moonshine

Dreaming Trees - Azure Sky

Dreaming Trees - Azure Sky

Dream Travellers 2

Dream Travellers 2

Dream Travellers 6

Dream Travellers 6

Sacred Meditation 2

Sacred Meditation 2

Digital art on a photograph taken at Avebury, Wiltshire.

Gate to Nowhere

Gate to Nowhere

Original oil on canvas painting.

Winter Light

Winter Light

Acrylic painting on canvas.

Maiden by the River

Maiden by the River

Digitally Painted on a Photograph. This was originally a photograph of Kevin's wife. It was taken as they walked along the River Camel, near their home in Cornwall. An added cloak and a little mist produce a little mystery.

Crystal Water

Crystal Water

Sometimes Kevin breaks his own rule of just changing a photograph without painting in any additions. This simply an altered image of water in the River Camel.

Earth Sprits - 5

Earth Sprits - 5

Digital Art

Sacred Medation 3

Sacred Medation 3

Digital art on a photograph taken at Avebury, Wiltshire.

Sacred Medation 6

Sacred Medation 6

Digital art on a photograph taken at Avebury, Wiltshire.

midnight tree coloured 24 (768x1024).jpg

midnight tree coloured 24 (768x1024).jpg

Midnight Tree - coloured 20

Midnight Tree - coloured 20

Midnight Tree - coloured 15

Midnight Tree - coloured 15

Enchanted Wood  30

Enchanted Wood 30

Enchanted Wood  38

Enchanted Wood 38

Enchanted Wood  26

Enchanted Wood 26

Catching an Orb - Pale Violet

Catching an Orb - Pale Violet

Labyrinth Source - Golden Light

Labyrinth Source - Golden Light

Apparition on the Trail

Apparition on the Trail

Photograph with digital painting

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